Second opinions

At Manchester Cat Clinic, we regularly see cats with complex medical or dental cases as second opinions or referrals.

Our award-winning, highly skilled team have experience in managing a variety of concerns, such as:

And specific diagnoses such as:

What is the difference between a referral and a second opinion?

Referrals are made by veterinary surgeons who wish to send a patient to a colleague with specific skills, qualifications or experience. Patients who are referred to us remain under the care of their usual vets and return to them after having treatment or investigations. The referring vet will send across the patient's medical history and we will send a full history / report back to them afterwards.

Second opinions are when a cat owner chooses to move to another practice, usually permanently, but sometimes they may choose to just visit us temporarily. As part of our professional conduct obligations from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, we must have a full medical history from a patient's previous vets before seeing a second opinion.

Feline internal medicine, abdominal ultrasound & respiratory endoscopy
Dr Eloise Quince BVetMed PGCertVPS MANZCVS(Medicine of Cats UK) CertAVP(SAMF) MRCVS

Extended Length Advanced Practitioner Consultation   £145

If your cat has a complex medical issue, you can book to see our Advanced Practitioner vet and have a double length consultation to thoroughly discuss and investigate your concerns. She has a wealth of experience with cats with medical problems and her recommendations will be tailored to your cat's individual needs and circumstances.

Dr Daniel Lee BVSc MRCVS

Book a standard consultation (£55) with any of our veterinary surgeons to assess your cat's teeth. If they have a complex dental issue, they will be booked in for a dental procedure with Dr Daniel Lee. Dan has a special interest in dentistry and has invested in top dental equipment so that our patients can have outstanding dental care, including high-quality full mouth dental x-rays.

More information about dental procedures can be found here.

Patients who have been seen by a veterinary surgeon and recommended a dental procedure may book straight in for a dental procedure as a day patient. 

Book a second opinion appointment

If you are currently registered with another veterinary practice, we will need to register you as a client and get your cat's full medical history from their previous vets before we are able to see them.

To register and book your appointment, contact us on any of the below methods to register & book:

We will need you to provide the following information...