In an emergency
If your cat needs emergency treatment during our opening hours, call us on 0161 464 5545.
Outside of our normal opening hours, our patients will be looked after by highly skilled out-of-hours vets at either at Vets Now or Emergency Home Vet.
Be prepared for emergency situations by ensuring your cat is registered with us in advance and has appropriate pet insurance. Out-of-hours consultations typically cost £250-£300, plus the cost of any medication or tests. This useful blog post from VetHelpDirect explains why out-of-hours vet fees are higher than in the daytime.
Vets Now
If your cat needs to be seen out of hours, please call Vets Now on the number below before attending the clinic. Most clients will use the Vets Now Manchester Hospital in Whitefield, but clients based in Cheshire can use Vets Now Macclesfield if they'd prefer.
Vets Now Hospital Manchester
98 Bury Old Road
M45 6TQ
0161 222 6101
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Vets Now Macclesfield (inside Wright & Morten)
107 Heather Close
SK11 0LR
01625 402729
Open every night 6.30pm-8am
Saturdays after 12pm, Sundays all day
Emergency Home Vet
Our patients have the additional option of receiving emergency out-of-hours care in their home with Emergency Home Vet.
Experienced vets come directly to your home to provide expert care, ensuring your cat receives the attention they need in a familiar and comfortable environment. Any worries and concerns you have can be discussed with their dedicated triage nurses over the phone, so don't hesitate to call them for advice.
Contact Emergency Home Vet on 0161 394 0942
Operating hours:
Weeknights - 6pm-6am each night
Weekends - Saturday 12pm until 6am Monday
For more information, visit the Emergency Home Vet website.
Emergency Home Vet's service area covers most of Greater Manchester and north Cheshire
Does my cat need to see a vet?
Not sure if your cat needs to be seen out-of-hours? Here are some sources of advice...
We have an online symptom checker and poison checker.
Vets Now offer a Video Vet service, 8am-11pm seven days a week. The cost of the video consultation is refunded if your pet needs to be seen at Vets Now within 48 hours.
If your cat may have eaten something they shouldn't have but you aren't sure if they need to see a vet, call Animal Poison Line on 01202 509000. They are available 24/7 and approximately 70% of calls to them are saved a trip to the vet.
You can also get access to 24/7 telephone and web chat advice from Registered Veterinary Nurses by supporting the wonderful charity Cats Protection and becoming a member.
Examples of emergency medical conditions in cats
Straining but unable to pass urine (blocked)
Difficulty breathing
Uncontrolled bleeding
Severe pain
Suspected road traffic collision
Suspected toxin exposure (eg. lilies, antifreeze, paracetamol)
Difficulty giving birth (eg. unproductive pushing or kitten visibly stuck)
If your cat shows any of the above signs, or you are significantly concerned for their welfare for any other reason, seek veterinary advice immediately. At nights or weekends this means contacting Vets Now or Emergency Home Vet - do not wait until we open.
Do not ever give your cat any human medication or medication which has not been prescribed specifically for them.
If your cat has eaten something toxic, do not attempt to make them vomit at home - bring them straight to a vet.
If your cat has come into contact with lily pollen, wash as much of it off as you can then get to a vet immediately.